When I got my first positive COVID test result last week, thanks to telepresence, I was able to overcome my isolation and travel remotely to some great events.
Firstly, I beamed onto an OhmniLabs robot at the IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation in Philadelphia #ICRA2022 and took a drive around the exhibition hall.
There I was able to catch up with the latest robotics, meet Reachy, the Open Source robot by Pollen Robotics, Stretch by hello robot, and get the latest updates from KUKA and Pal-Robotics. The Boston Dynamics robot dogs were taking a nap in their pen whilst I passed by, so I didn't get to see their tricks at that time, unfortunately. And I did all of this completely COVID safe, not to mention CO2 emission-free!
Not wanting to miss a Business startup training workshop at the Dryden Enterprise Centre in Nottingham, we deployed one of our very own Robotics For Good OhmniLabs robots and I jumped on at the beginning of the session.
It was great to attend this Nottingham Trent University workshop in person (remotely) and listen to the presentations, ask questions, and join in with the conversations as I would have done normally. And when there was an interactive session with flip charts, I just moved myself close to colleagues to discuss.
There really is no reason for students or work colleagues to miss out on training classes when isolating when we have this technology to hand. Simply deploy a telepresence robot at your training facility and you can hold a hybrid session with both in-person and telepresent guests at the same time.
It's high time this technology was adopted in the workplace, and in a time of COVID, it really makes a lot of sense.